Each of ThinkingStorm’s tutors is individually selected by our Recruiting Team, which has thousands of hours of online and on-ground teaching and tutoring experience. Tutors go through a multi-round interview process during which they must demonstrate high-level subject expertise and effective pedagogy in a series of sample lessons. Once hired, tutors complete a rigorous two-week training course. All employees enjoy regular professional development training sessions, and receive formal evaluations every six months. ThinkingStorm does not use third-party vendors to hire and train its team; our tutors work with us directly.
At ThinkingStorm, we hire online tutors with strong educational backgrounds and previous teaching experience. All of our tutors hold degrees in relevant fields, and over 65% hold advanced degrees related to the subjects they tutor. Many also hold university-level teaching experience in fields like math, physics, and English.
The vast majority of our tutors works full-time for ThinkingStorm, and collectively they have over 250,000 hours of online tutoring experience across 275,000 tutoring sessions. Each tutor has, on average, at least 1,000 hours of online tutoring experience. We pride ourselves on delivering the highest quality of tutoring and are committed to recruiting and training a team of dedicated and professional tutors.